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Where in the world is Moldova?
History of Moldova
About Human Tafficking
Missionary Article
Missions Statement
Terrific Prayer Warriors
Itineration Schedule
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Thank you to the MANY of you who have already given.   May the Lord bless you for your generous hearts.   As of April 10, 2006, my entire budget has been raised!  Praise the Lord!!  Of course, if you still feel led to give you may.  All the information you need is below.  Please do not hesitate to ask  questions. 

I do have an account for the home of hope if you wish to give to that you may.  Here is the account number for the home in Moldova 859085 3 (60).    The home is yet to be purchased but hope to buy a building very soon. 

You may contribute several ways.  One way is through this SECURE website:


Another way to contribute is by making a faith promise to give on a monthly basis.  This ensures that I will be able to stay on the field.  If you wish to do a monthly faith promise please copy the bottom part of this page.  This is a form that needs to be filled out.  You may fax or mail this form in.  Don't forget to sign it! :)  Any questions, please email me at 

Thank you for considering to support this ministry.  May  God bless you.

Copy from this line down to the bottom


❏ Church Pledge
❏ Personal Pledge
Mail completed form to:
Assemblies of God World Missions
1445 North Boonville Avenue
Springfield, MO 65802-1894
or you may fax this form to:

Donor’s Account Number ____________________________________

Church name and location or individual’s name ________________________________________________

Mailing Address City State Zip __________________________________


We promise to invest each month as the Lord enables us

$ ___________________________________ for the support of

Terri L Griswold in ministry to Eurasia Missionary Region

Missionary’s Account Number  293214

PLEASE NOTE: Assemblies of God World Missions requires signed pledges to equal the amount of the missionary’s budget before the missionary is authorized to leave for the mission field.
Please help your missionary get to the field by mailing the signed pledge form to the above address.
Or, you may fax the signed form to the fax number given above. Thank you!

Pastor or individual _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Phone number ________________________

District ________________________ Date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

❏ Individuals — check if you want a pledge certificate.